May 3, 2014

Every spare m² of tarmac in the resort centre was given over to beer tents, even shops were getting in on the act with beer taps and benches aside doorways. There were an estimated 25K fans in the resort for the concert such is the mass appeal of Robbie Williams in Austria and Germany. Ischgl was absolutely heaving when many other resorts had closed their lifts.

At Idalp, high up in the Ischgl ski area the huge stage was getting buffeted with May snow. After a press conference where Robbie Williams confessed to lacking confidence in the English football team it was over to the action around the stage. Press passes meant a private elevated platform, a wall of beer bottles and a buffet banquet – the joys of working in the industry! On Robbie came to ‘Let me entertain you’ – a crowd favourite which set the stage for a mighty performance of new material and old classics. The concert was followed by a DJ set and a crush to get back to the valley and the mega party which awaited. As expected the resort party was in full swing by mid afternoon – very possibly the biggest party that the resort had ever seen.

It is fair say that the next year’s act is going to find this a tough act to follow – this region is Robbie Williams obsessed and for many of them this was a once in a lifetime concert. That said David Hasselhoff’s star has yet to wane in these parts – maybe we will see the Hoff and Kit on stage next winter in Ischgl? Whoever comes next, Ischgl laid down a marker to all other alpine destinations in throwing the Robbie Williams event. Ischgl has no genuine equals when it comes to apres ski – this weekend was all about reminding the world that for pure entertainment Ischgl is at the top of a very big pile.

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